Saturday, April 28, 2007

What a week!

Well it's been a exciting and expensive week. Wednesday Wyatt got his braces, he picked out black and blue bands (see picture). So I got to make a few car payments for the Orthodontist....ha! ha! Also on Wednesday at school Kalin got tripped while running in a relay race during recess and took a dive on to the blacktop. She received a good case of road rash on her hip, arm, and shoulder. Now for the part of the story that will make you want to call Child Protective Services on Ofelia and I (just joking). Wednesday night she complained about her arm a little bit, but I thought she was just sore from taking a header on the concrete. Ofelia ended up picking her up early from school on Thursday because she wasn't feeling good. The girls had a basketball scrimmage game that night, so we took her and Katherine (Kat played and Kalin sat on the sidelines since she was gimped up). One of the girl's coaches is a doctor so he took a look at it and said in about 2 seconds "It's broke". So needless to say, we felt like real fine parents....ha! He made a call for us and Ofelia took her in Friday morning and they X-rayed her arm and sure enough it was broke (one of the bones in her forearm - just above the wrist. So now Kalin has a pretty blue cast. We have to take her back next week for a follow up X-ray because it was still swelled up today when they put the cast on. So that means Kalin's done with basketball and gymnastics for the next few months. Well that's enough for now, I'll try and post some of our Spring break pictures of our snowboarding adventure. Until next week....WALK GOOD!...............................Dan

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